About Us

Ethical Partners Funds Management is a boutique Australian fund manager owned and run by its founders Nathan Parkin and Matt Nacard. Ethical Partners Funds Management is a bottom up, long only stock picker.

The investment process examines financial strength, cash flow metrics, shareholder structure and management and utilises the proprietary Ethical Partners Opportunity and Risk Assessment (EPORA). Ethical Partners (AFSL 504749) is also a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is a member of the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA).

Corporate Timeline

Ethical Partners Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan released

March 2024

Launch of the Ethical Partners Credible Transition Framework

March 2024

Five year anniversary of EPASF Investor Class (IM)

August 2023

Three year anniversary of EPASF C Class (PDS)

June 2023

Published 2023 Engagement and Stewardship Report’

April 2023

Apex Fund Services appointed fund administrator and custodian

Feb 2023

Published Integrating Child Rights across the ASX: Parts A and B in conjunction with UNICEF

Sept 2022

Published the Ethical Partners Modern Slavery Report 2020/21

Jan 2022

Published Engagement and Stewardship Report 2021

Nov 2021

Ethical Partners becomes Carbon Neutral in its own operations

Sep 2021

Ethical Partners Australian Share Fund sets a Net Zero 2050 target

Aug 2021

Published Ethical Standards Report 2021

July 2021

Published 2019-20 Ethical Partners Modern Slavery Report

Mar 2021

Published Tax Transparency Report

Aug 2020

Published 2020 Engagement Report

July 2020

EPASF - Class C (Retail) is open for investment

May 2020

Equity Trustees (EQT) becomes Responsible Entity of the Ethical Partners Australian Share Fund (EPASF)

May 2020

Lodged a submission in conjunction with the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Workforce issues)

Dec 2019

Became a Member of the Principles Responsible Investing (PRI)

Nov 2019

Launch of the Ethical Partners Tatrai Giving Fund

Jul 2019

Publishing of the 2019 Ethical Standards Report

Jul 2019

Surpassed $1bn in funds under management (FUM)

Apr 2019

Appointed for first Australian Equities mandate

Dec 2018

Lodged a submission to the enquiry into Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW)

Oct 2018

Launch of Ethical Partners Australian Share Fund

Aug 2018

Australian Financial Services Licence granted

Jul 2018

Ethical Partners Funds Management established by Nathan Parkin and Matt Nacard

Dec 2017


We are accountable for the decisions we make to all our stakeholders. We are accountable for performance. We are accountable for our clients’ money. We realise that there are consequences to the actions we take. We will stand by our decisions and what we believe in. We won’t always be right but we will always be accountable.

The confidence to be different.

We understand that our views on companies, the market and the way we invest may be different to a majority of others. We have the confidence in our process, our approach and our decisions. Sometimes the best decisions for the long term are the ones that aren’t recognised at the time or require courage of their conviction in the short term.

Only shares of companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange that pass our strict assessment of a company’s balance sheet, operating cash flow and company management assessment in addition to the EPORA will be selected and owned for the Ethical Partners Australian Share Fund. In our view, sustainable and responsible investing needs to be underpinned by sound financial fundamentals.

We believe that using information from both traditional sources such as annual reports and financial statements as well as non-traditional sources such as company sustainability reports, ESG investment reports, company human rights, environmental policies and over 600 individual Australian and global data sources gives us a unique insight into business operations, potential opportunities for growth and threats to future revenues.

We reserve the right not to do business with vendors that do not share and demonstrate our commitment to compliance with local and internationally accepted labour and employment laws. We seek partners that take ESG investing seriously and believe in investing responsibly.

We do not believe that we can be investing sustainably but not source sustainably. We endeavour to ethically source which includes an expectation that all vendors, including sub-contractors engaged by vendors, must comply with certain requirements such as wages, benefit policies, working hours, no forced labour, no discrimination, health and safety and business integrity.

VIEW OUR Supplier Code of Conduct

The Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires entities based, or operating, in Australia which have an annual consolidated revenue of more than $100 million, to report annually on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains, and actions to address those risks. Other entities, based or operating in Australia may report voluntarily. We believe that if investors are demanding transparency, accountability, disclosure and attention to Modern Slavery within their operations, that we as investors must also be transparent and accountable as to how we address modern slavery ourselves.

VIEW Modern Slavery Report - 2021/2022VIEW Modern Slavery Report - 2020/2021VIEW Modern Slavery Report - 2019/2020

Ethical Partners has, since inception, carefully considered climate change risk within our investment process and integrated the opportunities and risks presented by climate change and the pathway to a low-carbon world. We are excited to now extend this into a formal commitment to a Net-Zero 2050 target for the Ethical Partners Australian Share Fund. Ethical Partners also continues to manage mandate portfolios in line with clients’ own individual climate change commitments. Ethical Partners will be now working towards setting clear and actionable interim targets to reach the 2050 goal and ideally bring that goal forward.

VIEW OUR Commitment
About Us
Our Values
How We Invest
Ethical Partners Hourglass
Sustainability in our own operations