Dinner raises substantial funds for CCF

November 18, 2022

While the group may have been small in number, it was large in its generosity. In all, over $270,000 was raised (inlcuding matching) for CCF, specifically to complete its Back Block of schools and STEM facility in Cambodia. Donations were triple matched by Macquarie, Tatrai and the Jackson Kemper Foundation. The night featured Scott telling his story of how CCF was created and its achievements to date. The star of the show though (no offence Scott) was recent University graduate Sophy, who has been a part of CCF since the early 2000s. From collecting rubbish in order to survive in 2005 to Melbourne University Graduate in 2022 is quite a story. There was not a dry eye in the house. Others that feel inspired to donate can do so at https://www.cambodianchildrensfund.org/donate

This video was also played on the night. Take a few minutes to view it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPSJxXz9oEE&t=6s

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