Assisting Giant Steps during COVID

September 2, 2021

August 2021: Several students at Giant Steps, one of Australia’s leading schools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, have tested positive for COVID-19.

“The first cases were notified on 5 August and NSW Health is working with the school, which is closed, to support students, their families and staff in isolation,” NSW Health said in a statement.

Autism Awareness Australia said it was “absolutely devastating news” and called upon authorities to do more. “We are so saddened to hear that Giant Steps Sydney has had to close and is dealing with a COVID outbreak,” it said.

The Ethical Partners Tatrai Giving Fund knows Giant Steps well and has long admired the work that it does. It made a donation to the school last year and has just made a further donation to help with the current COVID situation. As we all suffer various inconveniences in lockdown at the moment, spare a thought for those with bigger challenges than we typically face. We hope our donation can provide help to Giant Steps in ways it is needed most.

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